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Embracing Diversity in Fiction

Diversity image - Sharita Lira

Good afternoon. With so much chatter going about the need for diversity in books, I had to speak on it again. First let’s start off with a question for authors. Since I’m an author too, I figured I’d begin here. You’re an author and you have an idea for a story which features a character of a race other than your own. Say it’s a black male and you as a white female or male aren’t sure what to write. Do you scrap this idea, even though it could be one of your best books or do you try doing it yourself and using what you’ve seen on TV as … Read more

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Lazy Reading Sunday – Mystery

Today we’re launching a new feature on QRI – our weekly Lazy Reading Sunday. Each week we’ll choose a topic – a genre, pairing, or identity – and talk about our favorite reads on the Facebook group: Today – mystery. Do you have a favorite queer sleuth? An author who keeps you guessing right up until the very end? A favorite book or series you’ve recently read? Tell us about it. AUTHORS: Please do not use this chat to recommend your own books