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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Concussion and Contentment – Liz Faraim

Concussion and Contentment - Liz Faraim

Liz Faraim has a new ff contemporary book out, Vivian Chastain series book 3: Concussion and Contentment. And there’s a giveaway! Vivian, an adrenaline junkie and U.S. Army veteran, goes about her life as a bartender, avid runner, and polyamorous lesbian. Life in Sacramento, California is going well until she is blindsided by unforeseen financial issues which lead her to consider a new career. In an attempt to recharge and take a break, she visits her best friend, Jared, only to be sidetracked by a motorcycle trip with her other best friend, Bear. The adventure does not turn out to be the carefree break Vivian had hoped for. A mess, she … Read more

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REVIEW: The Neon Darkness Omnibus – Skot Harris

The Neon Darkness Omnibus - Skot Harris

Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Romance, War, Fiction LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book The Definitive Neon Darkness Saga. Contains the complete Neon Darkness Trilogy and its companion, Wasted Letters. Newly edited and condensed with bonus material, including screenplay excerpts, author Q&A, book club questions, and more. SNAPSHOTS AT THE FONTAINE MOTEL [Book One]May 1996. Six inseparable friends seek revenge after one of them is brutally attacked. But their vigilante justice spins violently out of control and accidentally leaves the attacker dead. Desperate to escape as the FBI inches dangerously close, they flee, speeding across state lines, down dusty backroads to the Fontaine Motel, an isolated hideout in middle-of-nowhere … Read more

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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Together – Eloreen Moon

Together - Eloreen Moon

Eloreen Moon has a new MMM erotic romance out: “Together.” And there’s a giveaway! Victor has loved El and En since high school. The problem is, they love each other and only see him as a friend. Victor leaves town, unable to cope with watching them together, but now he’s back—and his heart still feels the same.El and En have had feelings for Victor for a long time, they just haven’t said anything. After all, a poly relationship isn’t something society looks upon kindly. But that isn’t going to stop them, not now they understand what missing Victor is like. They want their third, no matter what anyone says—they just … Read more

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The Lesfic Bard Awards: 2019 Winners

Lesfic Bard Awards Winners 2019

We were fortunate to be asked to announce the winners of the 2019 Lesfic Bard Awards. Look for the Gay Scribe Awards in 2021! Here are the winners, by category: Action Adventure Over the Crescent Moon by Karen D. Badger Makaya Kapule and Spencer Bennet are from vastly different backgrounds…Makaya from Hawaii and Spencer from Vermont. They met and fell in love as members of the National Fencing Team. On hiatus from their grueling training schedule, Makaya and Spencer fly to Hawaii to attend her sister’s traditional Hawai’ian wedding, at which, Spencer meets Makaya’s family for the first time. While there, Makaya’s brother takes them water skiing, and an over-confident … Read more

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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Upon Broken Wings, by E. L. Reedy & A. M. Wade

Upon Broken Wings

E. L. Reedy & A. M. Wade have a new YA Paranormal book out: Bound by a dark act of hate and despair, high school freshmen, Andrew and Kiernan, learn that their untimely deaths did not bring an end to their pain, but only began the suffering of those left behind. While his lost memories return, Andrew must master seemingly impossible feats, both spiritual and physical. As a dark spirit stalks Kiernan through the borderlands of life and death, he must also face the pain his actions have caused his loved ones. To save both their souls, Andrew must convince Kiernan to return to life and open his eyes to … Read more

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5 Things I Learned Writing My First Bisexual Character

bisexual flag

I’m a lesbian author, and my Lesbian Light Reads series features stories that are deliberately low-drama and filled with beautiful women meeting and falling in love.

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Queer in Color

Queer in Color

“We need more diverse books!” Books with queer characters have become more popular these days. People are fascinated with the stories about queer people’s lives because, perhaps they finally realized the world isn’t completely hetero. More importantly, they wanted something different than the hero and the heroine or the assumed “straight” characters that dominate fiction. They wanted different, which means more diversity. However, diversity doesn’t just cover queer versus hetero, it also means race, age, culture differences, religion, and able-bodied. That cry should mean we want more stories that represent all kinds of people, not just the majority. As an author of color, I also wanted to see that change. … Read more

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Embracing Diversity in Fiction

Diversity image - Sharita Lira

Good afternoon. With so much chatter going about the need for diversity in books, I had to speak on it again. First let’s start off with a question for authors. Since I’m an author too, I figured I’d begin here. You’re an author and you have an idea for a story which features a character of a race other than your own. Say it’s a black male and you as a white female or male aren’t sure what to write. Do you scrap this idea, even though it could be one of your best books or do you try doing it yourself and using what you’ve seen on TV as … Read more