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REVIEW: Muses, by Elizabeth Andre

Muses, by Elizabeth Andre

Title: Muses Series: Paranormal Grievance Committee Chronicles Book Two Author: Elizabeth Andre Genre: Urban Fantasy Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Lesbian Publisher: Tulabella Ruby Press Pages: 158 Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book A lesbian ghost with a broken heart. Sisters who never want her reunited with her lost love. A binding spell that must be broken. After a Halloween party ends with an untimely death, paranormal investigators Maya and Julie are called in to check out ghostly happenings at a house built by a patent medicine magnate at the turn of the 20th century. The magnate’s daughters lived in the house their whole lives and… Continue Reading REVIEW: Muses, by Elizabeth Andre

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We Writers Are Strange Creatures!

Plot Bunny - Sharita Lira

Greetings. This is Michael Mandrake aka Sharita Lira with a post about being an author and/or writer since they’re more synonymous that you think. Sooo, what about writing? It’s something authors love to do. We keep strange hours, writing when the house is asleep or awake depending on the members in your household. Or maybe you’re a lone ranger. Oh you’re really doomed! *grins* No one to bother you or answer to? Then you’ll spend a ton of time with your characters. And oh, what about those critters? Yes, the ones you talk to and think about while driving. I discuss parts of the story I need to rewrite and… Continue Reading We Writers Are Strange Creatures!