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We Writers Are Strange Creatures!


This is Michael Mandrake aka Sharita Lira with a post about being an author and/or writer since they’re more synonymous that you think.

Sooo, what about writing? It’s something authors love to do. We keep strange hours, writing when the house is asleep or awake depending on the members in your household. Or maybe you’re a lone ranger. Oh you’re really doomed! *grins* No one to bother you or answer to? Then you’ll spend a ton of time with your characters. And oh, what about those critters? Yes, the ones you talk to and think about while driving. I discuss parts of the story I need to rewrite and plot scenes in my head. Other times, you might be typing away at your desk or whatever kind of surface you use, hammering out details and you blurt out things making your SO look at you as if you sprouted three heads. Yes, I’ve done that many times. *shrugs* Hubby is used to it now but will ask, what are you talking to the muses about now?

Image result for writer memesMy response? Oh just the next story I’m working on. *laughs*

You laugh aloud with them when you type something humorous. Yes, this happens a lot when me and BLMorticia get together. She never ceases to amaze me when we sit down to write the one-liners, I as a non-funny person, would never think of. And, oh those plot bunnies? Whether it’s the ones that pop up while you sleep or come to you when you’re awake, they annoy you just the same. Do you blurt them out? I do when I’m alone. The best is laughing to myself at the restaurant table when I come up with something new.

Damn plot bunnies!Image result for plot bunnies

I’m never prepared for them. When they rear their ugly heads, you scramble for anything to write with. Pen, paper, crayon, napkin, toilet paper, the back of your receipt. Your family gives you the ‘Really mom or dad’ looks that make you blush. And if that’s not available, you type it into your phone, tablet, or iPad if you carry it around. Anything so you won’t forget. Oh, and let’s go back to those little fockers, the bunnies. You love when they come to you but hate when you already have like 100 er so works in progress that you haven’t finished yet.

Damnit, not again! 

Lastly, what about your muses? My characters speak to me from time to time, but my muses control me. As the head, I write the blogposts, but the stories come from the muses. BL with her snark and wickedness, Michael with his long winded, dry humor, and Veronica with her sophisticated sexy ways. Yes, I know them all. And when they intersect,

look out because that means I’ll have imaginary people fighting for their name to be on the story. Image result for writer memes

There is a reason why they have those memes for authors, kids!

So, what am I? Crazy? I’m a person with 3 muses that drive me to the point of exhaustion. I talk to my characters, have conversations about stories in my head. Other than family and friend time, I barely take time off from tapping keys on that laptop. And my non-writing peers don’t understand why or how I do this when it’s so hard to make a living, and yet I love it. What am I? An author!


Since follow muse, BL is the one with a new release, let’s promote that book!

Push Music in Motion Book One from Dreampsinner Press

Blurb: Malakei Oakley, aka rapper M. Prophet, is at the top of his game—but deep in the closet. Handsome, wealthy, and successful as the head of 315East Entertainment, Malakei should be on cloud nine. Despite his awards and a Midas touch that has every musician clamoring to work with him, something is missing.

Seth “Reaper” Davies is ready for stardom. His band High Stakes plays to small, packed houses all over Birmingham and London but has yet to get their big break. But Seth isn’t giving up on his dream—no matter what it takes.

A viral video prompts a message from a person he doesn’t expect—the talented M. Prophet. Their musical styles are worlds apart, and Seth has no desire to change his style to sell records. But his curiosity—and his attraction to Malakei—wins out.

Malakei can’t get Seth out of his mind. He also can’t come out without ruining his reputation. No matter how much he wants the sexy singer, his only option is to push Seth away. But he’s about to find out Seth isn’t one to give up on what he wants—and he might be just what Malakei needs.

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