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New Release: Sapphire: Home and Abroad – M.D. Grimm

Sapphire: Home & Abroad - M.D. Grimm

M.D. Grimm has a new MM fantasy book out, Stones of Power book 8: Sapphire: Home and Abroad. The Dark Mage, Lord Morgorth, and Aishe of the Ravena Tribe, are to become bondmates. Morgorth is equal parts nervous and excited. He wants to unite with Aishe in the sacred dialen ceremony, to proclaim their devotion to the world, to show everyone that Aishe is his equal and deserving of respect. After all they’ve survived together, why shouldn’t they make the cosmic promise before friends and family? But duty must often come before pleasure. When Morgorth’s estranged mentor, Master Ulezander, comes to him with a time-sensitive mission involving a major stone … Read more

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NEW RELEASE / GIVEAWAY: The Scars That Bind Us – Michelle Notaro

The Scars That Bind Us - Michelle Notaro

Michelle Notaro has a new MM urban fantasy out: The Scars that Bind Us. And there’s a giveaway! Sometimes the worst scars are the ones you can’t see. Growing up in the magi compound was far from easy. I didn’t think I’d ever get out of that horrid place, but eighteen years ago, my world changed. I was allowed freedoms I’d never had before, although, even today, I was still at the Non-Human Specialties Operations’ beck and call. Which is how I find myself on a team with my best friend, five shifters, and a human. Now, I have to figure out a way to work with others—with shifters. I’ve never … Read more

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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: The Mage on the Hill, by Angel Martinez

Mage on the Hill - Angel Martinez

Angel Martinez has a new MM fantasy book out: The Mage on the Hill. Toby’s wild magic is killing him. The mage guilds have given up on him, and it’s only a matter of time before he dies in a spectacular, catastrophic bang. His only hope is an exiled wizard who lives in seclusion—and is rumored to have lost his mind. The years alone on his hilltop estate have not been good for Darius Valstad. After the magical accident that disfigured him and nearly drowned Pittsburgh, he drifts through his days, a wraith trapped in memories and depression. Until a stricken young man collapses on his driveway, one who claims … Read more