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Review: Androids & Aliens – J. Scott Coatsworth

New Release / Giveaway: Androids & Aliens - J. Scott Coatsworth

Genre: Sci-Fi, Cli-Fi LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, Lesbian Reviewer: Maryann Universal Buy Link About The Book Androids & Aliens is Scott’s third short story collection – eight sci fi and sci-fantasy shorts that run the gamut from cyborgs to (comedic) alien invasions: Rise: The rise in sea levels caused by climate change swallowed Venice beneath the lagoon half a century ago. But what if we could bring it back? Ping: I was a real estate agent by day, and a museum curator in the evening at a sci-fi museum. What I saw one night changed everything. What the Rain Brings: Miriam struggles to make a living in post-climate-change Vancouver. But her … Read more

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REVIEW: Cailleadhama – J. Scott Coatsworth

Cailleadhama: Through the Veil - J. Scott Coatsworth

Genre: Urban Fantasy, Cli-Fi, Sci-Fi, Sci-Fantasy, Gay Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, Trans FTM Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book Colton is a trans man living in a climate-changed world. He plies the canals that used to be city streets, earning a living taking tourists on illicit journeys through San Francisco’s flooded edges beneath the imposing bulk of the Wall. Tris is an elf who comes through the veil to the City by the Bay – the Caille – on a coming of age pilgrimage called the Cailleadhama. He is searching for his brother Laris, who went missing after crossing through the Caille years before. The two men … Read more

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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Cailleadhama Audiobook – J. Scott Coatsworth

Caileadhama Audiobook cover - J. Scott Coatsworth

J. Scott Coatsworth’s MM “elf-meets-trans-man in post-climate-change San Francisco” book Cailleadhama is now out in audiobook format. And there’s a giveaway! Colton is a trans man living in a climate-changed world. He plies the canals that used to be city streets, earning a living taking tourists on illicit journeys through San Francisco’s flooded edges beneath the imposing bulk of the Wall. Tris is an elf who comes through the veil to the City by the Bay – the Caille – on a coming of age pilgrimage called the Cailleadhama. He is searching for his brother Laris, who went missing after crossing through the Caille years before. The two men find … Read more

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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: The Hands We’re Given, by O.E. Tearmann

The Hands We're Given - O.E. Tearmann

O.E. Tearmann has a new MM (trans) hard sci fi/cyberpunk tale out, book one in their “Aces High, Jokers Wild” series: “The Hands We’re Given.” Aidan Headly never wanted to be the man giving orders. That’s fine with the Democratic State Force base he’s been assigned to command: they don’t like to take orders. Nicknamed the Wildcards, they used to be the most effective base against the seven Corporations owning the former United States in a war that has lasted over half a century. Now the Wildcards are known for creative insubordination, chaos, and commanders begging to be reassigned. Aidan is their last chance. If he can pull off his … Read more