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Review: The Mermaid Hypothesis – Siri Caldwell

The Mermaid Hypothesis - Siri Caldwell

Genre: Paranormal, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Lesbian Reviewer: Monique Get It On Amazon About The Book Mermaid Survival Rule Number 1: Stay away from intelligent women.  Who are so my type.  Fish are not great conversationalists. That’s not why Niua sneaks aboard a research ship, or why she’s stumbling around on legs, pretending she’s not a mermaid, but years of living among uncommunicative sea life may explain why she’s unwisely flirting with a marine scientist who’s far too perceptive–and far too female–for Niua’s safety. She needs to focus, but Ms. “Why Aren’t You on the Passenger List?” keeps distracting her. In the best possible way. She’s in over her head, and she doesn’t … Read more

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REVIEW: Simply Connected – Alex Washoe

Simply Connected - Alex Washoe

Genre: Contemporary Romance, Sports LGBTQ+ Category: Lesbian/Nonbinary Reviewer: Monique Get It On Amazon About The Book Once a celebrated child prodigy, Blaise Noether is now a struggling widowed mom trying to keep her head above water while she pursues her Ph.D. Only two things make her really angry: her kid’s math textbooks and jocks. In her mind, all athletes are like the bullies who terrorized her in high school. So when she crosses paths with rising basketball star Christie Dillard, Blaise’s interest is a null set. Christie is everything Blaise fears, fiercely competitive, brashly confident, and totally devoted to her game. That she is also endearingly awkward and irresistibly gorgeous … Read more