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Crisis at Christmas + Christmas Present

by Julie Bozza

Chrisis at Christmas & Present - Julie Bozza
ISBN: 9781005941529

Oliver volunteers for Crisis at Christmas to help the homeless. The last thing he expects is that he'll meet someone.

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This was his first time volunteering for Crisis at Christmas, but even Oliver knew that it must be bad form to be checking out one of their guests. It didn’t even matter that, after a blank moment, the guest seemed to respond in kind. His dark eyes twinkled as he returned Oliver’s gaze, and he smiled wryly, before ducking his head to hide behind a fall of brown hair. The guest progressed another step or two in the queue for the IT room, and Oliver continued down the corridor in the opposite direction, and that really should have been that.

However, Oliver was currently in charge of the hot beverages and biscuits in the central “hub” area, and it felt inevitable that the guest appear about half an hour later, obviously on a quest. ...

Written for the Rainbow Advent Calendar 2018 and 2022, with thanks to Alex Jane.

About the Author

Ordinary people are extraordinary. We can all aspire to decency, generosity, respect, honesty – and the power of love (all kinds of love!) can help us grow into our best selves.

I write stories about ‘ordinary’ people finding their answers in themselves and each other. I write about friends and lovers, and the families we create for ourselves. I explore the depth and the meaning, the fun and the possibilities, in ‘everyday’ experiences and relationships. I believe that embodying these things is how we can live our lives more fully.

Creative works help us each find our own clarity and our own joy. Readers bring their hearts and souls to reading, just as authors bring their hearts and souls to writing – and together we make a whole.

Julie Bozza. Quirky. Queer. Sincere.