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Girl Crush

by TL Travis

Girl Crush - TL Travis
Editions:Kindle: $ 1.99
ISBN: B0833QY29X
Pages: 61
ISBN: 978-1650561516

the emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends.
a relationship between friends.
"she formed close friendships with women"

What happens when the definitions of said friendship are tested? When one feels something…more for the other? What if the feelings aren’t reciprocated?
Girl Crush is the story of that one time…

This novelette is catered to adults over 18 as it does contain a high level of consensual MF (1 scene) and FF sex.

This book is on:
  • 3 To Be Read lists
Publisher: Sapphire Publishing
Cover Artists:
Pairings: F-F
Heat Level: 4
Romantic Content: 4
Ending: Click here to reveal
Character Identities: Bisexual, Lesbian
Protagonist 1 Age: 26-35
Protagonist 2 Age: 26-35
Tropes: Cheating, Coming Out Later in Life, First Time, Forbidden Love, Friends to Lovers, Gay for You / Straight to Gay, Hurt / Comfort, Married Life
Word Count: 28000
Setting: Seattle, WA
Languages Available: English

Our one year anniversary was fast approaching and I wanted to do something special for my Gem. She had never been to Victoria BC and I really wanted to show it to her so I booked us a vacation cottage rental with a water view. I needed this vacation to be special. We’ve come such a long way and overcome many obstacles that were thrown at us so we needed a way to decompress.

I booked the rental for a week and told Gem to pack her bag with warm comfy clothes, but to include something special for a night out as well. I wouldn’t tell her where we were going, just for how long we would be gone.


We got in the car and drove into Seattle to catch the ferry to Victoria. Gemma was in awe, she loved riding the ferries and her smile lit up my world. After securing our vehicle, we took the stairs to the café and ordered two cups of coffee and then made our way to the upper deck. Gemma stood at the bow of the deck, her sable curls whipping wildly in the wind but she didn’t care. She smiled like a kid on Christmas morning. I came up behind her, wrapping my arms round her tiny torso.

“Are you having fun my love?” I asked.

“Yes, of course. But I wish you would tell me where we’re going.”

“All in time my sweet, all in time.” I stayed with my arms wrapped around her, protecting her slender figure from the cold winds as we made our way through the sound, headed towards Victoria without a care in the world. Nothing mattered to me but her happiness, something I would do anything to secure.

It was too cold to stay on deck for this three-hour ride, so we went inside to cuddle up in one of the window booths.

“Liz, this is amazing. You know how much I love riding the ferry.  I’ve never been to Victoria and I can’t wait.” The announcement had given away our destination, but not all the surprises I had planned for our week away.

I put my arm around her shoulder, kissing her cheek, “I promise you my love, you will not be disappointed.”

“Liz, you could never disappoint me. You hold the key to my heart.”

Her words still warmed me even though she proclaimed her love for me daily. This woman had become my world, and I hers.



About the Author

I’m TL Travis and I’m the published author of a plethora of Erotic Romance musings that have earned me a “Best Seller” status in the US as well as Internationally.


In my spare time, when I'm not weaving erotic webs, I enjoy fishing, wine tasting and people watching. Everyone has a story to tell, it would be fun to guess yours.


I’ve rescued 4-legged souls in need for as long as I can remember, and would like to remind you to “Adopt, not shop.” Saving that life may very well save yours in return.