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REVIEW: Any Given Lifetime, by Leta Blake

Any Given Lifetime, by Leta Blake

Title: Any Given Lifetime
Author: Leta Blake
Genre: Paranormal, Metaphysical, Romance
LGBTQ+ Category: Gay
Publisher: Leta Blake Books
Pages/Word Count: 215 Pages
Reviewer: Georgiana

This is him. He’s everything.

When two souls have found their mates, no time or distance can keep them away. This is true for Joshua and Neil.

“When I lost Neil, my first love, I thought I’d never feel pain that bad again.”

Joshua and Neil were together a short amount of time, but it was apparent from the beginning they were meant for each other. It wasn’t easy for Neil to experience growing up again, knowing he had left behind his life as an older man and his soul mate. Everything in Neil yearns to be with Joshua again.  The way he throws himself into work and sometimes sex just to get by in his new life breaks my heart at times.

“Aw, that’s cute. You think you’re a man.” He patted Neil’s knee in an over-fond way. “Keep eating your vegetables and maybe you will be one day.”

Joshua is sweet and understandably guarded after losing not only one, but two partners. He never stopped loving Neil, but life must move on, right? Only it doesn’t move in the way he ever expected.

“Yes, me. My name’s Neil Green.” He crossed his arms over his chest.
Joshua gasped. The words punched him in the gut, and he blinked at the kid in shock. “I’m sorry, what did you say your name was?”
“You heard me,” Neil Green said, but his voice was soft now, tender, like he cared. “I doubt it’s a name you’d forget. Or maybe I’m wrong about that?”

The overflowing amount of longing, angst, love and grief that came off the page gripped at my heart only to start slowly releasing once the two meet in Neil’s apartment. It was a beautiful, riveting and emotional roller-coaster.

The intimacy between Joshua and Neil is amazing. Deep, intense and at times funny.

“Last time around? I wasn’t this big. I mean, I had a good cock, but this one is a humdinger.”

Leta Blake is known for writing beautifully deep and emotional stories, but this one is truly a gem. I adored Joshua and Neil and will recommend their story to others.

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