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Review: Red Flagged – Elle Keaton

Red Flagged - Elle Keaton

Genre: Contemporary, Small Town, Mystery LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book He isn’t looking for love, there’s a killer on the loose. The last person Andre expected to see in Cooper Springs was Dante Castone. He left Dante and the rest of his old life behind him when he moved to Washington State and what he thought would be a quiet job in a small town by the ocean. Dante Brown went into WITSEC for his sister’s kid–sort of. In reality, Dante’s DIYing it; he isn’t the trusting sort. Daniella was the only witness to her mom’s brutal murder and needs both protection and … Read more

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Review: Queen of Murder – Edale Lane

Queen of Murder - Edale Lane

LGBTQ+ Category: Lesbian Genre: Murder Mystery, Romance Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book A murdered drag queen. Dozens of suspects. One determined detective. Book 7 in the popular Lessons in Murder series, by award-winning, best-selling author Edale Lane Lieutenant Detective Jenna Ferrari excels at catching criminals, and while she’s come a long way toward taming her temper—thanks to her loving partner, Dr. Miranda McLeod—this case may get the better of her. While Jenna and Randi are in the audience of a regional drag competition, the contestant favored to win is being murdered backstage. Deciding she needs a man on the inside to really find out what’s going … Read more

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New Release: Mu; Legend of a Lost City – M.D. Neu

Mu; Legend of a Lost City - M.D. Neu

M.D. Neu has a new MM sci-fantasy mystery out: Mu; Legend of a Lost City. For years, the whispers and legends of a lost city hiding in the Pacific Ocean were just that; legend. On the day Kaimi discovers his parents, the Queen and King of Mu, murdered, Mu’s most powerful weapon fired, sending a pulse rushing towards the North American west coast. After the 2025 Great Pacific Pulse Event, or Pulse, vomited up much of humankind’s trash in the Pacific Ocean along the North American west coast. The mysterious occurrence causing the largest environmental disaster in human history, people are no longer certain there is nothing concealed in the … Read more

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Review: Defending You – Matthew Dante

Defending You - Matthew Dante

Genre: Mystery, Contemporary, Dark Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book Sven Kolczynski25, Polish, amateur car thief… and apparently unkillable. Being a hero can be painful and seriously hazardous to your health. What can I say? I’m not a smart man. It’s been two weeks since I started following the brown-haired, cheery little puppy. There’s nothing special about the guy. He’s a mechanic, hangs out with a bunch of scary-looking dudes, and never seems to stop smiling. Like seriously, how can one man be so happy all of the time? Okay, fine, the guy is kind of cute, and that smile can make a … Read more

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Review: Ride Share – L.A. Witt & Cari Z

Ride Share - L.A. Witt & Cari Z.

Genre: Contemporary, Suspense LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon | Direct From Author About The Book The job is as simple as they ever are for members of the Collective: get in, fool the marks, and commit some devastating corporate espionage. For Miroslav Antanasijević—an expert at faking identities—it’s a high-stress gig, but one he’s used to. At least that’s how it starts. When it all goes wrong, Mirko barely escapes with his life… and only because a ride share driver comes to his rescue. Arlen Tate is just trying to finish his doctorate, help his sister through school, and leave his turbulent family life in the past … Read more

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Review: An Angry God – Russell J. Sanders

An Angry God - Russell J. Sanders

Genre: Contemporary, Thriller, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book A serial killer is stalking young gay men in a Midwest college town. High school senior Kevin Bland, rich, brilliant, and a wild-child, meets a college freshman, Mitch Christman, who is just Kevin’s type. And also the killer’s type. Adding to the mix is college sophomore Brent who enlists Mitch’s help in finding answers and possibly unmasking the killer. And all the while, Dr. Spencer Fellows, anti-gay crusader, and hate-monger, stirs the pot, praising the killer for ridding the city of gay men, one by one by one. The Review Kevin Bland is seventeen … Read more

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Review: False Justice – Adam Carpenter

False Justice - Adam Carpenter

Genre: Contemporary, Mystery LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book Jimmy McSwain has to meet a man named Alexander Cort, a real-estate agent with a story to tell about an old set of friends, dating back to his childhood in Hell’s Kitchen. The friends called themselves the Four Kitcheneers, bonding together over their own ambitions and memories. On graduation night, one of the four disappeared and the other three engaged in a cover-up. Or maybe not. The question of what happened to Silas Clayton still lingers fourteen years later. As Jimmy begins his investigation of what happened that fateful night, he also tries to put … Read more

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Review: Mann Hunt – Peter E. Fenton

Mann Hunt - Peter E. Fenton

Genre: Mystery, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book How far would you be willing to go to finish the job? Declan Hunt is having a bad week. His kidnapping case is showing little progress, his office assistant has left him on short notice, and his latest investigation has left him literally battered and bruised. But things change when he hires twenty-four year old Charlie Watts to help out at the office. They form an unlikely partnership trying to solve two seemingly unrelated cases whose threads begin to weave together when the missing person case turns to murder. The investigation takes them from the … Read more

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Review: Reading It Wrong – A.L. Lester

Reading It Wrong - A.L. Lester

Genre: Mystery, Romance, Contemporary LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book Paul Cranford regrets asking Louise and Darcy Middleton to let the kids from his class have a look at the fifteenth century letter they’re selling at auction. If it hadn’t been for him, it would never have been in the theatre overnight to even get stolen in the first place. Darcy isn’t keen on Paul Cranford. He’s never quite got over the way Paul knocked him back when Darcy tried to ask him out. But when the letter is stolen from the theatre and Darcy is hurt in the process, Paul steps up to … Read more

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Double Review: The Midnight Detective – Edward Kendrick

The Midnight Detective - Edward Kendrick

Genre: Paranormal, Romance, Vampires LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann; Gordon, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book What is Wyn to do when he can’t find his five-year-old daughter Celyn because she and her mother Marianne have disappeared with Marianne’s new boyfriend? He hires a detective. The detective is Christoph Andreu, owner of Andreu Detection Agency. What few people know is that Christoph is a vampire, thus his definitely strange working hours. Wyn knows, however, but his need to find Celyn overrides the few concerns he might have that Christoph is more than human. Christoph was willing to take Wyn’s case. More than willing when two men … Read more