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Writing Paranormal By the Seat of my Pants

Demons Be Mine - Michael Mandrake - Immortals

*Michael Mandrake is the male muse of author Sharita Lira* Greetings readers. Thanks you Scott at QRI for letting me share my thoughts with you about…well everything. Okay, not quite. While I do enjoy some trivial things like celebrity gossip, movies, and the occasional Facebook or Twitter rants, I will mostly talk about things related to books and writing. I am an author after all, and really, who wants to hear my thoughts on politics, hmm? *blinks* No, you do not. So instead, we’ll stick to author things, such as plotting…. Or not. The topic of today’s post is writing paranormal by the seat of my pants. Now for those… Continue Reading Writing Paranormal By the Seat of my Pants