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Review: Run Wild, Run Free – Fiona Glass

Cover - Run Wild, Run Free by Fiona Glass - Foreground, bottom left: a golden birdcage with its door ajar; in background, a handsome young white man with longish dark hair and blue eyes, laying on his back and staring off into the distance on a dark, pavement-like surface, wearing a black leather jacket with a leather strap and silver medallion on is bare, slightly hairy chest

Genre: Historical, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, Neurodiverse Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book Growing up in a 1950s mining village in the English midlands is hard for someone like Joey, who’s known he was different since he was a kid. All he wants to do is run wild on the hills, watching nature and indulging his love of art. All his parents want is for him to settle down: marriage, a home of his own, a steady job down the mine, and not so much as a whiff of art college. But none of that appeals to him. Everything changes the summer he turns eighteen, when the… Continue Reading Review: Run Wild, Run Free – Fiona Glass