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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY – grydscaen: beginnings, by Natsuya Uesugi

grydscaen-beginnings - Natsuya Uesugi

Natsuya Uesugi has a new queer sci fi book out: Faid Callen is tired of life on the run in the Echelons trying to keep his psychic power in check. He founds the Packrats, a group of cyberterrorist hackers. A young powerful Psi Faction operative, Lino Dejarre, is sent on a mission to capture Faid. Wanting to keep Lino under control, the Psi Faction kidnaps his half-brother, Riuho, and they take him prisoner, experiment on him, train him, and subject him to mind control. When Lino is assigned to a high stakes diplomatic mission to reveal a traitor, he finds another psychic operative in play, causing him to question the … Read more

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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: grydscaen: dark, by Natsuya Uesugi

grydscaen dark - Natsuya Uesugi

Natsuya Uesugi has a new book out in his dystopian sci fi series grydscaen: A clandestine meet occurs in the Echelons under cover of darkness where Top Secret intel on the stock market changes hands. The insider tip gets the gothic hacker Jester engaged in a high tech game. Parliament votes to lower harsh stock market regulations fueling the Corporation’s bottom line, a payoff from ministers who were propped up by illegal corporate campaign donations. Ordered by Jester, the teenage hacker Rom infiltrates the largest high volume brokerage house causing wild gyrations in trading. When Jester triggers an insidious stock market payload, all hell breaks loose threatening the pristine City. … Read more