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Year in Review 2018 and Goals 2019 – Michael Mandrake/Sharita L

Taken and Crowned - Michael Mandrake

Hello again. I must apologize for completely skipping November. *sighs* I was very busy with Breakable Faith and Taken and Crowned.  Also, my twin, you know, the devilish muse BL, had some writing to do as well. So alas, we didn’t post anything in November. However, now I’m back to post about this year which has proved to be a breakout! Finally. No, I didn’t receive the dream book or movie deal. In fact, I don’t think I’d want it because that means compromising some of my fiction ideas. Oh and no, I didn’t make six figures. However, I did learn something more about getting closer to my writing goals. … Read more

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A Missed Opportunity

Mercurio's Mating - Michael Mandrake - Immortals

Hello QRI readers, after two months off, I’m blogging again. I was on vacation in June and then July I had to finish 4 books. *shocked face* I successfully finished all 4 and now I’m ready to chat again. Or actually, the muse is. Michael has thoughts, so  forget about me and allow him to speak.  Michael, you have the floor… Greetings readers! Thanks to QRI for having me again after a 2-month hiatus. Shar and I have been very busy finishing several books, including the last installment of Immortals, Mercurio’s Mating. In all honesty, these books are definitely products of the inmates running the asylum. *grins* What I mean … Read more