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Review: Hammer’s Thief – Alexis Woods

Hammer Thief - Alexis Woods

Genre: Holiday, Romance, Paranormal LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Gay Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Eight nights to fall in love. Running away from his foster home at eighteen, Locke struggles to survive the brutal winter streets in Atlantic City. Trust is a fickle thing, and Locke hasn’t had much of it. He’s worked hard for everything he has. When a helpful security guard takes him in during a Code Blue, Locke discovers that some things are more than they seem. His fantasy becomes reality, but sometimes reality is too good to be true. Graced by God, Judah Maccabee has dwelt in Yahweh’s kingdom for … Read more

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Review: Lion’s Hero – Alexis Woods

Lion's Hero - Alexis Woods

Genre: Paranormal, Romance, Holiday LGBTQ+ Category: MM Gay (Age Gap) Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Eight nights to fall in love. Ari’s mission: meet the man chosen for him by God. The catch: he only has eight nights to both fall in love and have his chosen fall in love with him—the eight nights of Chanukah. Gabriel’s test of faith: in reaching out to a young man, he finds himself confronted with the unbelievable. Believe, and the Festival of Lights may herald a miracle leading to a lifetime of love. The Review Ari is an angel, created by God, to be a warrior … Read more

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REVIEW: Hands-On Hanukkah – Penelope Peters

Hands-On Hanukkah - Penelope Peters

Genre: Holiday Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: HL Get It On Amazon About The Book David Nachem doesn’t actually hate Hanukkah. David Nachem is living his best life. He loves his work, he loves his cat, he loves his family. Who cares if he doesn’t put up holiday decorations? He’s not actually a Grinch – it just feels that way, especially when his boyfriend up and dumped him four months ago with no explanation. But when Tim reappears in David’s life asking for David’s help as a massage therapist, David can’t say no. Not when David still misses Tim – and Tim’s joyful exuberance about everything holiday-related. Not when David … Read more

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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Worst Holiday Ever Anthology

Worst Holiday Ever Anthology blog tour

There’s a new holiday romance anthology out: Worst Holiday Ever. It’s the most wonderful time of the year! OK—scratch that. It’s time for another obligatory family gathering. And nothing spices up the egg nog like bringing your partner home. Surely your belligerent brother-in law, your gimlet-eyed granny and your drunken uncle will keep it classy. With forced proximity and alcoholic beverages, what could possibly go wrong? Decked Out by Eva Moore A Perfect Fit by Adrienne Bell Crazy Old Money by Kilby Blades Stealing Christmas by Kari Lemor Touched by Fate by Preslaysa Williams Ringing in the Reefer by Marie Booth The Thanksgiving Parade From Hell by R.L. Merrill Thankful … Read more