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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY/EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT: Of Princes False & True, by Eric Alan Westfall

Of Princes False and True - Eric Alan Westfall

Eric Alan Westfall has a new MM Historical Fantasy book out: A tennis match? Starting a war between the Duchy of Avann and the Kingdom of the Westlands? Only in a fairy tale. When Prince Henry hurts a young ball boy who told him Danilo’s ball was inside the line, Danilo’s response is automatic. Punch the prince’s face, pick him up left-handed, and break the royal jaw. Unfortunately, there’s another “automatic” at work: a death sentence for whoever strikes royalty. King Hiram can’t—won’t—change the rule of law to rule of royal whim. But he grants the Heir of Avann fifteen days to find words that will allow Danilo to live. … Read more