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REVIEW: Full Circle – Blaine D. Arden

Full Circle - Blaine D. Arden

Genre: Fantasy, Crime Investigation, Gay Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, MM, MMM Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon | A Triad In Three Acts About The Book “I have great responsibilities, but my path ahead is as foggy and blurred as the path behind me.”  With forester Taruif freed, Kelnaht has claimed him openly at Solstice before tribe and Ma’terra as his partner, but with their third, Ianys, bound by an old promise, their triad is still incomplete. Sneaking around puts the most strain on Ianys. He and Kelnaht must keep their relationship a secret or he will lose his daughter, Atèn. When several children fall ill with more than a summer bug, … Read more