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Kayelle Allen

Kayelle Allen did a tour in the US Navy, where she climbed around airplanes (on the ground, thankfully) fixing black boxes that helped pilots find their way home.

She wrote her first science fiction novel at eighteen and to this day, it's hidden under the bed, where she vows it will remain. Gems from it, however, launched several series in her galaxy-wide universe of stories.

From childhood, Kayelle was the victim of an overactive imagination and inherited the Irish gift of gab from her mother. From her father, she got a healthy respect for mechanical things.

No wonder she writes Science Fiction and Fantasy peopled with misbehaving robots, mythic heroes, role playing immortal gamers, and warriors who purr. She's been married so long she's tenured.

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Books By Kayelle Allen

Series: Antonello Brothers: Immortal

Word Count: 139,317

Character Identities: Bisexual, Gay

Summary: Every lifetime, Luc breaks the rule: Never fall in love with a mortal. But this time, with this man, it's forever... Being dumped broke Luc's heart, but public humiliation crushed it. Online betting programs placed odds on how long it would take the wealthiest man in the Empire to find a new romance. He was betting on never. When Izzorah's band signs with Luc's company, the desire that flares between himself and the catlike alien is instant and irresistible. But resist he must, for to yield means becoming vulnerable, and sharing secrets far too painful to reveal. Izzorah's ability to smell every emotion means Luc cannot hide even one of his feelings. The sole thing Izzorah always desired was to have a male warrior to love, a forbidden coupling on his homeworld. So he makes a sincere wish that if Luc is his warrior, the man will rescue him. When an accident occurs, and Luc donates blood to save him, what else can it be but Izzorah's wish coming true? It's clear to Izzorah that Luc is too hurt to surrender his trust, even though Luc longs to be loved. No matter what obstacles he faces by coming out, Izzorah decides to put aside his fear and focus on Luc's need. Because as sure as the sun rises each day, Izzorah was made to be the shelter of Luc's heart...   Surrender Love is a sensual bad-breakup romance with a heartbroken alpha male who meets his cuddly cinnamon roll hero. Includes bonus short stories.

Surrender Love - Kayelle Allen
Surrender LovePairings: M-M

Word Count: 54247

Character Identities: Bisexual, Gay, Pansexual

Summary: For millennia, they fight side by side. Now one king faces a lonely quest. As Light and Shadow, King Pietas and General Cyken share every battle, as well as a fierce and passionate love. But, torn apart by the king's rage, Cyken ends their stormy relationship. When General Cyken falls in love with another man, Pietas undertakes a perilous quest on the dangerous world of Felidae to prove he is the better choice for Cyken. If he succeeds in his quest, it will either bring Cyken back, or drive him even closer to his new love. Pietas must try, for he cannot walk into eternity alone. He must have a shadow to balance his light...

Ring of the Dragon - Kayelle Allen - Fallen Empires of the Immortal King
Ring of the DragonPairings: M-F, M-M

Word Count: 78,200

Character Identities: Bisexual, Gay

Summary: Izzorah has always been a Kin, part of a human-like race of fierce, rugged felines. Now he's a brand-new immortal too. When he learns the truth about his fiancé's immortality--and his own--the familiar world he knew vanishes. He must pass a test designed by the immortal king to reveal his gifts and weaknesses. Pass and he's accepted into a warrior society he wants no part of. Fail and he's cast out, away from the man he loves. As if that's not bad enough, his lover is also the king's ex, and the king refuses to part with anything--or anyone--he loves. Fair test? Not in this immortal lifetime...

Forever Love - Kayelle Allen - Antonello Brothers: Immortal
Forever LovePairings: M-M

Word Count: 285,548

Character Identities: Gay

Summary: Alone for centuries, Luc seeks mortal lovers to hold the loneliness at bay, but unlike himself, when they die, they don't come back. When his latest mortal lover falls in love with another, Luc steps aside. Will he never find his own forever love? Izzorah, a young Kin male, comes into Luc's life, and the outlook brightens. This catlike alien reads Luc's emotions as if they were written on his face. Instead of fleeing from Luc's pain, Izzorah presses closer, offering solace. When a life-threatening accident nearly kills Izzorah, the thought of losing him is too much to bear. Luc breaks the highest law among immortals and saves him by a transfusion of blood. But instead of a simple cure, Luc's blood triggers a latent power, and an ability no one expected. Immortality. Could his precious Izzorah be Luc's forever love? ♥If you'd like a cuddly cinnamon roll hero who purrs, and an alpha male who has met his emotional match, this MM Sci-Fi Romance book bundle is just what you've been looking for. Extra points if you prefer your love scenes with only a hint of steam. ♥Includes three full books, plus a bonus novella and links to a full universe of stories with these characters. Available on all retailers.

Antonello Brothers Immortal - Kayelle Allen
Complete Set Antonello Brothers: ImmortalPairings: M-M

Series: Tales of the Chosen

Word Count: 62,335

Character Identities: Bisexual, Gay

Summary: With his career threatened and his life at risk, Wulf must seek help from the one man he swore he would never trust again, Luc Saint-Cyr, a.k.a. the Harbinger. An enigmatic man whose legendary power makes him the most feared person in the empire. For the Harbinger, saving Wulf is a simple matter of asserting his will. Luc's ties to the Thieves' Guild grant him access anywhere. He can protect Wulf without difficulty. Until Luc brings Wulf home for safekeeping, and discovers the real reason for the threats. Protecting Wulf has not only put his and Wulf's lives at risk, it's also risked the life of Luc's teenaged son. This is beyond protection, now. To the Harbinger, this is personal...

Wulf - Kayelle Allen - Tales of the Chosen
WulfPairings: M-M

Word Count: 39,062

Character Identities: Bisexual, Gay

Summary: How is this ever going to work... Ordered by the Empress to find out if the lover of a friend is having an affair, Alitus investigates. As Minister of Imperial Intelligence, Alitus has access to every camera and remote in the empire. Which is a problem, because Wulf's affair is with Alitus. As a Better, an enhanced human, Alitus can touch no one -- his pheromones are addictive. Isolated and under scrutiny, he keeps his affair with Wulf secret, because Wulf belongs to another, a powerful man allied with the empress. When the man asks the empress to investigate, Wulf's relationship with Alitus could be exposed. Complicating matters, the empress reveals her immortality, and requires Alitus to prove his loyalty. Her test throws him straight into Wulf's arms, right in front of the empress and Wulf's lover. Hiding what he and Wulf are to each other has taken discipline and denial. Now, it will take a miracle...

Alitus - Kayelle Allen - Tales of the Chosen
AlitusPairings: M-M

Word Count: 67,992

Character Identities: Bisexual, Gay

Summary: All Jawk has to do is seduce Luc, the most powerful man in the empire. And then betray him. Easy mission. Until he discovers that Luc has a heart... Jawk spies on the enigmatic Luc Saint-Cyr, known empire-wide as the Harbinger. People who cross "the Man" tend to disappear. Undercover as a waiter in Luc's favorite haunt, Jawk gets a break when Luc seeks to hire him for a one-night ménage with his current lover, Wulf. Jawk agrees, and things go well until Wulf and Luc fight, and Jawk is dismissed. He must get back in the man's good graces. When Luc seeks to make Wulf jealous by taking Jawk on a long trip, the means to gather intel is too good to pass up. Meanwhile, a forbidden dalliance between Wulf and another Chosen tests the bounds of trust between the immortals and their humans. The elicit affair threatens to rupture the eons-old alliance forever, and subject every last mortal and immortal to risk...

Jawk - Kayelle Allen - Tales of the Chosen
JawkPairings: M-M, M-M-M

Series: Thieves' Guild Academy

Word Count: 123,974

Character Identities: Bisexual, Pansexual

Summary: Breakups are hard, and Luc's immortal ex allows no lifetime to pass without trying to win him back. That's not happening, but despite Pietas being the jealous sort and manipulative, he's also the king. As his General, Luc can't simply walk away. So when summoned for a "simple mission" of finding a lost child, he suspects it covers some hidden agenda or lurking secret. The mission goes off with surprising ease, and when an alien toddler needing rescue falls into Luc's lap, worry about Pietas takes a backseat. While attempting to care for the boy, a late-night visit from the immortal king reveals Luc's easy solution screwed up everything Pietas was planning. Now Luc's slap in the middle of a dubious fix that endangers not just himself and his king, it also threatens the adorable tot Luc has decided to foster, along with all the other mortals he's come to love. Because at the center of the Thieves' Guild Academy lies a lifetime of dark secrets, and Luc has just ripped off the veil and exposed its sinister heart... When your king is immortal—and your ex—how do you guard your heart?

A Stolen Heart - Kayelle Allen
A Stolen HeartPairings: M-M

Word Count: 23540

Character Identities: Gay

Summary: The Thieves' Guild Academy teaches three things. Honor above profit. Skill above chance. Family above all. So when the Academy decides to turn away an alien child who's too unruly to train, Professor Brinn Halin intercedes. Despite the warnings of his handsome ex, the Headmaster, he fosters the precocious four-year-old girl. Academy Headmaster Kam Zavala oversees a school full of trainee thieves and hackers, and he's used to their tricks. This latest student, a headstrong but brilliant little girl, has gone beyond a simple hack. Her work threatens to implode the ancient Academy itself. As a disaster of epic proportions unfurls, Kam must take action. But when the child's breach uncovers a deeper, more insidious hack, the two master thieves must work together. Is there truly honor among thieves? These two have a second chance to prove it, save the child, the Academy, and restore their newfound love. The question is, will they trust their well-honed instincts, or follow their long-divided hearts... ◆In a school filled with hackers and thieves, how do you trust your heart? ◆An MM second chance sci-fi romance set in the Thieves' Guild Academy

A Divided heart - Kayelle Allen
A Divided HeartPairings: M-M

Word Count: 166916

Character Identities: Bisexual, Pansexual

Summary: Thieves' Guild Academy Bundle 1 The Thieves' Guild Academy teaches three things: Honor above profit. Skill above chance. Family above all. But in a school filled with hackers and thieves, how do you guard your heart? A Stolen Heart When your king is immortal—and your ex—can you ever catch a break? Luc's immortal ex allows no lifetime to pass without trying to win him back. That's not happening, but despite Pietas being the jealous sort and manipulative, he's also the king. As his General, Luc can't simply walk away. So when summoned for a "simple mission" of finding a lost child, he suspects it covers some hidden agenda or lurking secret. But he has no idea what a radical change to his life lurks on the horizon... A Broken Heart The Thieves' Guild tech Senth is about to claim will make him invisible. Finally, the young halfbreed thief will be out of sight, shielded from the taunts humans fire at him. But that tech reveals he has a human half-brother who holds him responsible for every bad thing that ever happened. Senth might be invisible, but he can't hide from the truth... A Divided Heart When the Academy decides to turn away an alien child who's too unruly to train, Professor Brinn intercedes. Despite the warnings of his ex, Kam, the Headmaster, Brinn fosters the precocious four-year-old girl. When she hacks into the prestigious and so-called impenetrable Thieves' Guild, she triggers a deeper, more insidious hack. Now Kam and Brinn must decide whether to trust their well-honed instincts, or their long-divided hearts... Delve deep into this bundle of three fun books plus a behind-the-scenes booklet, and enjoy an exciting MM sci-fi series with found family and forever love.

Thieves' Guild Academy bundle 1 - Kayelle Allen
Thieves' Guild Academy Bundle 1Pairings: M-M