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by J. Scott Coatsworth

Flames - J. Scott Coatsworth
Editions:Kindle - Second: $ 3.99
Pages: 120
Paperback - Second: $ 9.99
Size: 8.50 x 5.50 in
Pages: 120

Alex always thought love was enough to keep him and Gio together. Why did they need wedding rings or legal certificates? But now, with Gio lost in a coma after a fire has destroyed their home, his partner’s mother banishes Alex from his side.

Locked in a gray limbo inside his head, memories are all Gio has left, and the urge to let go is getting stronger.

Nothing can keep Alex from Gio's side, even if he has to break the rules. In their stolen moments alone together, Alex fights to reach Gio, one memory at a time.

What if Alex’s voice is the only thing that can bring Gio back?

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Publisher: Other Worlds Ink
Cover Artists:
Pairings: M-M
Heat Level: 1
Romantic Content: 4
Ending: Click here to reveal
Character Identities: Gay
Protagonist 1 Age: 26-35
Protagonist 2 Age: 26-35
Tropes: Amnesia, Cultural Differences, Hurt / Comfort, Love Can Heal / Redemption, Meet Cute, Moral Failure, Reunited and it Feels So Good, Second Chances, True Love
Word Count: 23000
Setting: Tucson, Arizona
Languages Available: English
Reviews:Tony on Queer Sci Fi wrote:

One of the messages here, if there is a message, is that people can change and Alex is one of those met here who manages to take those first steps into light. The touch is light here and there is no preaching. What you get is a sweet love story with a moment of darkness that is swept away by the finish.

Oh, yeah, just in case you didn’t get it, I loved this story. It took me awhile to forgive Alex but forgive him I did. 🙂

About the Author

Scott lives with his husband of twenty five years in a Sacramento suburb, in a cute little yellow house with a brick fireplace and two pink flamingoes out front.

He inhabits in the space between the here and now and the what could be. Indoctrinated into science fiction and fantasy by his mom at the tender age of nine, he quickly finished her entire library. But he soon began to wonder where all the queer people were.

After coming out at twenty three, he started writing the kinds of stories he couldn't find at Crown Books. If there weren't many queer characters in his favorite genres, he would will them into existence, subverting them to his own ends. And if he was lucky enough, someone else would want to read them.

His friends say Scott's mind works a little differently than most - he makes connections between ideas that others don't, and somehow does more in a day than most people manage in a week. Although born an introvert, he forced himself to reach outside himself, and learned to connect with others like him.

Scott's stories subvert expectations that transform traditional science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary worlds into something different and unexpected. He runs both Queer Sci Fi and QueeRomance Ink with his husband Mark, and is an associate member of the Science Fiction Writer's Association (SFWA).

His romance and genre fiction writing brings a queer energy to his stories, filling them with love, beauty and power. He imagines how the world could be - in the process, he hopes to change the world, just a little.

Scott was recognized as one of the top new gay authors in the 2017 Rainbow Awards, and his debut novel "Skythane" received two awards and an honorable mention.

You can find him at Dreamspinner here, Goodreads here, on Amazon here, on QueeRomance Ink here, and on Facebook here.