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Words: Resolution

Diet - J.V. Speyer

It’s a whole new year.  The holiday season is officially behind us and we’re one week into our “new year, new me” selves.  Many of us have made New Year’s resolutions to help ourselves try to be better people or somehow improve our lives going forward into 2019, and there’s nothing wrong with that.  It’s natural to want to build, and to want to make things better. I made resolutions – or rather, Resolutions, capital letter and all – every year from the time I was a little kid.  It was a tradition.  Everyone wanted to find some way in which they could do better.  The thing with resolutions is… Continue Reading Words: Resolution

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Words: Progress

Dirt Road

Today’s word is progress.   I thought about a few other words. When my computer turned into a brick yesterday during an upgrade, I had a lot of words to use, and none of them were what I’d consider appropriate for this venue. When I sat there on Election Night and watched results coming in, though, the word that kept coming to mind was progress, and it’s still there.   Progress was in my head mostly as a comfort word, but you know – details, right?   I don’t know about other folks, but overwhelm can be a big issue for people in the writing profession. You have big projects,… Continue Reading Words: Progress

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Words: History

I gave some real thought to what word to use for this month.  I’ll admit that most of the words I came up with weren’t exactly kind.  I’m sure you can figure out why, if you follow US current events at all.  Current events got me thinking, though, about history.  Who gets to write history?  In particular, who gets to write the history of marginalized people, especially those of us whose mere existence was considered taboo to mention even fifty years ago?   The old saying is that history is written by the victors, and to some extent that’s accurate.  The stories of wars fought, and which side was right… Continue Reading Words: History

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Words: Loved


How do you perceive love, when it’s shown to you?   I guess you could say this relates to “love languages,” or “languages of appreciation.”  It’s not so much about how you show love or appreciation, but about what flicks that switch for you. What makes you sit up and take notice that someone truly loves you?   For me, it’s little gestures that demonstrate a knowledge of me as a person. My mom has mobility issues, and she can’t get out and about much anymore. She clips articles from the local paper back in my hometown – yes, a physical paper, with newsprint and all – about research items… Continue Reading Words: Loved

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Words: Selfless (And Selfish)


I was procrastinating on Facebook reading a very important article recently, about a woman whose son was donating a kidney to his father. I went to comment, wishing her luck and praising the son for his selfless act. Before I hit send, that word struck me: selfless. The word struck me, and it made me a little nauseous too. I quickly reworded the comment – the son in question is absolutely doing something beautiful and giving for his father, and I don’t want to come off as though I don’t approve of organ donation. I do, wholly and without reservation, and whatever’s still got some miles left in it after… Continue Reading Words: Selfless (And Selfish)

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Words: Heat

Words: Heat   This month’s word is heat.  It can’t be a surprise to anyone living in the US why this month’s word would involve high temperatures.  Most of the country has been dealing with scorching temperatures for a few weeks now, possibly as punishment for our climate sins.  I’m not someone who typically objects to warm weather, but even I’ve been feeling it. (That’s how you know it’s been extreme.  Well, that and the text alerts to your phone from government officials on protest days, warning you of heat issues. But I digress.)   Hot weather calls for a few different remedies.  Folks who have air conditioning, of course,… Continue Reading Words: Heat

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Words: Frivolous


I had a very different post in mind for today. I had a post about Pride, because it’s June, and as part of my birthday “celebration” I’m going to my local Pride parade for the very first time at the youthful age of 43.  (Well, I’m turning 43.  I’m still bothered enough by society’s obsession with women’s youth to cling to that last week’s worth of being 42.) And then I woke up this morning to the news that a celebrity I admired had taken his own life.  It hit me hard.  I sat down and scrolled through my Twitter feed.  I saw a lot of posts about him, his… Continue Reading Words: Frivolous

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Words: Priorities


This month’s post is primarily aimed at the writers among us, but readers and others might find it useful too. It’s not an exceptionally queer post, although I wrote it which puts a little rainbow sticker on it somewhere I guess. I want to talk about priorities this month. How do you set yours?  Where do you draw a line, when something has to give?  We talk a lot about setting goals, whether it’s in the context of writing as a career or in mental health or in motivational speeches given by people with perfect teeth that they probably spent a lot of money on standing up at the front… Continue Reading Words: Priorities

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Words: Sin

New Orleans - J.V. Speyer

February seems like a good month to take a look at sin, doesn’t it? Ash Wednesday is next week, which means Mardi Gras is next week. We’re looking at Carnival, at Lent, at a juncture in the (Western, Judeo-Christian) calendar when we compare and contrast sin and contrition, decadence and abstinence. After all, as Rasputin said, “Before we can repent, we have to sin.”   That’s the fun part, isn’t it? It’s great to wrap ourselves up in excess once in a while, to enjoy the pleasures of the senses. We can enjoy the rich foods of the season, indulge in a few extra drinks, stay up too late with… Continue Reading Words: Sin