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Adriana Kraft

Winner of the 2014 Bisexual Book Award for erotic fiction, author Adriana Kraft is a married couple writing Erotic Romance for Two, Three, or More.

A man, a woman (or two), or another man, threesomes, foursomes, what’s your fantasy? We write our Erotic Romance stories to entertain, of course, but most of all we write them because we believe in happy endings for all who fall in love, whatever their gender, sexual orientation or numerical combination. Here you’ll find multiple partners, three-way, four-way and more, swing lifestyle, lesbian, bisexual, ménage and polyamory, in both contemporary and paranormal settings.

Together we have published more than forty romance novels and novellas to outstanding reviews.

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Books By Adriana Kraft

Word Count: 70,259

Character Identities: Bisexual

Summary: Her passion smolders. Will it ignite? When art student Melissa Hopkins finally unpacks the two boxes her Aunt Phoebe left for her and sees Phoebe’s black and white photos, it’s like opening Pandora’s Box. A simple quest to find a new job morphs into an about face—not just in her art, but in her career and personal life. Short on funds now that her graduate stipend is ending, she applies to work where Aunt Phoebe once worked: a center for sexuality and sex studies. Sworn off women after a disastrous relationship, Center Director Harry Gage ignores the danger signals and hires the striking young woman who reminds him of his former lover. Her air of innocence will captivate center viewers, so he’s sure she’ll be a hit on camera. What he’s not prepared for is how she pierces his heart. When the sparks flare up, is it love or just sex—and what must each of them risk to find out?

Smoldering Passion - Adriana Kraft
Smoldering PassionPairings: F-F, F-F-M, M-F, M-M-F

Word Count: 68,500

Character Identities: Bisexual, Polyamorous, Straight

Summary: Recently widowed and in her early forties, Merry Delany is about to plunge into a self-discovery journey that takes her places she’s never imagined, much less hoped for. Once passion is unleashed, can it be stopped? The millennium arrived with such promise—will it deliver for recently widowed Merry Delaney? So much for all the anticipation about the new millennium. Merry Delaney’s life is still in a rut and shows no signs of changing. Sex? A fading memory, gone long before her husband actually died. Excitement? Hardly the hallmark of an accountant’s life. At forty-two, what can she look forward to? Until her best friend takes Merry’s predicament into her practiced hands. One passionate kiss unleashes possibilities Merry never dreamed of—and she wants to sample them all. Men? Women? Young? Old? Ménage? Toys? Yes, to all, to pleasure, to making up for lost time. Enter Chicago Detective Jim Barnes, who solicits Merry’s help with a mob funds-skimming case. Can the scorching passion that soon smolders between Merry and Jim survive the escalating mob threats of exposure? Having discovered a zest for sex, will Merry ever again be satisfied with one man?  

The Merry Widow - Adrianna Kraft
The Merry WidowPairings: F-F, F-F-M, M-F

Word Count: Information not available

Character Identities: Bisexual

Summary: Three lives—but how many loves? Committed lovers for three years, Jamie and Susan are good together. Jamie knows she wants Susan in her life forever. But what if that’s not enough? Both bi, the two have continued dating men occasionally, and now Jamie’s falling in love with Mason. Can she love two persons? Will her love for either one wrench the other one out of her life? Jamie’s convinced a long-term three-way relationship is the answer, but none of the players is prepared for what’s coming. Two-way relationships are hard enough—is a three-way even possible? And if so, what must each of them give up to create it?

Three a Love Story - Adriana Kraft
Three: A Love StoryPairings: F-F, F-F-M

Word Count: 26300

Character Identities: Bisexual

Summary: Time off in Vegas with her latest squeeze? Nothing could be better—unless maybe Meg adds another woman, or perhaps another man as well. What happens in Vegas… Fresh with success from a recent stint in a musical on the Las Vegas Strip, Meghan Keenan takes some time off to play with her current flame Jack Hawthorne, professional poker player. She’s delighted to add her petite masseuse Tia Minh to the mix and even more thrilled when she learns Tia’s relationship with her boyfriend Tony Sanders is on the skids. It’s the perfect challenge! Tia has different ideas – she thinks Tony would be perfect for Meg, and she conspires to throw them together any way she can. Ever the gambler, Jack catches onto her game quickly and keeps the ruse going behind Meg’s back. Who knew his heart was up for grabs?

Vegas Gambler - Adriana Kraft - Meghan's Playhouse
Vegas GamblerPairings: F-F, F-F-M, M-F

Word Count: 25000

Character Identities: Bisexual

Summary: Zachary Cullen has ignored Josette Patrice’s overtures for years, but she agrees to take on his latest protégé-slash-arm-candy Meghan Keenan in her off-Broadway workshop theater. Though the girl has incredible talent, Josie would stake her reputation on that little thing being a switch-hitter, like herself, and she doesn’t want Zach to be duped. Josie sets out to seduce Meg and expose her for what she is, but all bets are off when Meg turns the tables on Josie to hook her up with Zach.

A Woman for Zachary - Adriana Kraft - Meghan's Playhouse
A Woman for ZacharyPairings: F-F, F-F-M, M-F