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What Works For Us

by TL Travis

What Works for Us - T.L. Travis
Editions:Kindle: $ 0.99
Pages: 37

A lady walks into a bar…

Isn’t that the way it always starts? Bad joke or not, this is what my life had been reduced to. How does one begin again over the age of forty?

Instead of China, as was the customary gift for your twentieth anniversary, my husband decided to serve me with divorce papers. Literally that very day. Instead of citing irreconcilable differences, he informed me that not only did he have a girlfriend, but she was pregnant.

It took me weeks until I felt strong enough to venture out into the land of singles. And when I did, I quickly found it wasn’t the place for me. I’d resigned myself to call it a night after dismissing the final tool spewing his BS pick up line, when all I thought I knew about myself was swiftly cast aside when she spoke.

Her voice alone sent shivers down my spine…

This book is on:
  • 2 To Be Read lists
Publisher: Sapphire Publishing
Cover Artists:
Pairings: F-F
Heat Level: 5
Romantic Content: 2
Ending: Click here to reveal
Character Identities: Bisexual, Lesbian
Protagonist 1 Age: 36-45
Protagonist 2 Age: 36-45
Tropes: Bad Breakup, Coming Out Later in Life, Single Again
Word Count: 8400
Languages Available: English

About the Author

I’m TL Travis and I’m the published author of a plethora of Erotic Romance musings that have earned me a “Best Seller” status in the US as well as Internationally.


In my spare time, when I'm not weaving erotic webs, I enjoy fishing, wine tasting and people watching. Everyone has a story to tell, it would be fun to guess yours.


I’ve rescued 4-legged souls in need for as long as I can remember, and would like to remind you to “Adopt, not shop.” Saving that life may very well save yours in return.