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The Reign of Darkness

Creatures of Darkness: Book 4

by Britney Jackson

The Reign of Darkness - Britney Jackson - Creatures of Darkness
Editions:Kindle: $ 6.99
Pages: 451
Paperback: $ 19.99
ISBN: 979-8621934446
Size: 9.00 x 6.00 in
Pages: 451

Powerful vampire, Rose Foster, and her girlfriend, Kara Unnarsdóttir, take refuge in a hidden kingdom of vampires, as war breaks out between vampires and humans. Rose is shocked to find that even though she doesn’t know them, the vampires of this kingdom know her. Not only that, but they’re prepared to follow her into battle. Yet, they refuse to tell her why.

World war rages on in their absence, threatening the extinction of both species. Rose soon realizes that, even though she doesn’t want power, if she wants to prevent genocide, she’ll have to take her place as a Commander of Power.

But when Kara uncovers a terrifying piece of information about Rose, she must decide, once and for all, if her loyalty to the woman she loves is strong enough to withstand even the end of the world. Or if it’s time to do what she does best: betrayal.

In this final installment of the Creatures of Darkness series, the Eklektos will either save the world or destroy it.

About the Author

Britney Jackson is an award-winning author of LGBTQ fantasy and sapphic romance. She’s adored books for as long as she can remember and has loved writing for almost as long.

She has a passion for creating the kind of heroes she needed when she was younger: heroines with mental illness, flaws, and traumatic pasts. She centers her books around strong, lesbian and bisexual women who find courage, love, and happy endings.

She resides in Alabama with her two kids and the snuggliest cat you’ll ever meet. She has a Bachelor of Science in Fine Arts and Religion and did her graduate work in English.

Her recent sapphic fantasy novel, Pirates of Aletharia, won a Goldie Award in 2022, and she’s currently at work on its sequel.

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