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by Irene Preston , Liv Rancourt

Harrowed - Irene Preston & Liv Rancourt - Haunts & Hoaxes
Part of the Haunts and Hoaxes series:
Editions:Kindle: $ 4.99
ISBN: 9780996809993
Pages: 225

There's nothing scarier than the truth...

Noel's got issues. Like, he doesn't know what to call his lover. Are they boyfriends? A fling that got out of control? Something more? Even worse, he may sometimes get waylaid by a random ghost or two.

Or else he's losing his mind.

Now Adam? He's stable and solid and warm; the kind of guy Noel never knew he wanted. He's also the historian on Haunts and Hoaxes, which gives him a professional interest in Noel's "special talent".

When the ghosthunting crew turns up something weirder than normal at a Louisiana plantation, Adam convinces Noel to check it out. Instead of finding a haunt, they uncover a mystery. Noel used to be a cop and he grabs the chance to investigate something real. DNA is evidence. No matter what Adam says, the ghosts don't prove anything.

But the past is done hiding and the spirits are going to have their say. Noel better figure out how to listen, because Adam's job, their relationship, and even his sanity are at risk.

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About the Authors

Irene Preston

Irene Preston has to write romances, after all she is living one. As a starving college student, she met her dream man who whisked her away on a romantic honeymoon across Europe. Today they live in the beautiful hill country outside of Austin, Texas where Dream Man is still working hard to make sure she never has to take off her rose-colored glasses.

Liv Rancourt

Liv is a huge fan of paranormal romance and urban fantasy and loves history just as much, so her stories often feature vampires or magic or they’re set in the past…or all of the above. When Liv isn’t writing she takes care of tiny premature babies or teenagers, depending on whether she’s at work or at home. Her husband is a soul of patience, her kids are her pride and joy, and her dogs – Trash Panda and The Boy Genius – are endlessly entertaining.