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Disregarding Fate (D’Vaire, Book 8)

by Jessamyn Kingley

Disregarding Fate - Jessamyn Kingley
Part of the D'Vaire series:
Editions:Kindle: $ 4.99

The eldest son of the Cwylld rulers, Cadlyr hates being part of a notoriously war-hungry tribe reviled by everyone. Cadlyr knows there is no way to escape the cycle of violence that is to be his life, so when he meets his other half at his first elven gathering, he is delighted. Cadlyr can now make plans to leave the Cwylld and gain a fresh start. Observing the tradition of their people, he agrees to be mated the following day. But Cadlyr has no idea what awaits him.

A few years after the death of his parents, Evlithar is trying to figure life out, and he’s heard horror stories of the Cwylld. Despite his attraction to Cadlyr, he’s terrified of tying himself for eternity to an abhorrent elf tribe, so he comes up with a desperate plan. With the help of his cousin, who happens to be the chieftain, Evlithar lights a fake pyre and has Cadlyr invited to his funeral. The decision is a rash one that changes lives forever, and not necessarily for the better.

Two millennia later, everything has changed. The last of the Cwylld and residing in a vibrant sanctuary, Cadlyr is determined to repair his tribe’s sullied reputation. Evlithar remains hidden behind the scenes, but his tribe is looking toward the future. Living worlds apart, both are convinced by their families to attend the annual elven gathering. When Cadlyr spots a man resembling Evlithar, he is sure it is a ghost. As they come face-to-face, choices from the past cannot be ignored, and they must work through secrets and lies. Will it be enough to overcome Evlithar’s decision to disregard fate?

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About the Author

Jessamyn Kingley has published over forty titles and refuses to pick a favorite among them. With an extraordinary passion for her characters, Jessamyn eagerly crafts new tales and avidly re-reads them whenever her schedule allows. Jessamyn shares a home in Nevada with her husband and their three spoiled cats. When she is not writing or adding new ideas to her thick stack of beloved notebooks, she is gaming with family and friends.

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