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Author Spotlight: Sean Ian O’Meidhir

Sean Ian O'Meidhir

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Sean Ian O’Meidhir MM Paranormal Sean grew up in small town, USA and always knew there was so much more in the world. Having started writing as a kid, they escaped the small town as a teenager to pursue a Liberal Arts degree where the creativity in writing flourished. A psychology degree later, Sean is a mental health professional in San Francisco, teaches, pays homage to one furbaby, and believes in unconditional love. A Humanist at heart, Sean is professionally and spiritually influenced by the works of Carl Jung and Carl Rogers. Sean hopes to … Read more

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Review: Talio’s Codex – J. Alexander Cohen

Talio's Codex - J. Alexander Cohen

Genre: Fantasy, Legal Thriller, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, Bi Reviewer: Scott Get It At Amazon | Publisher | Universal Buy Link About The Book Is love worth destroying his reputation? Ten years ago, the theft of his codex destroyed Talio Rossa’s career as a magistrate in the four cities. But when his ex-wife—finally willing to forgive finding him in bed with a man—presents him a long-shot legal case, he has the chance to get his career back on track. While fighting to rejoin the legal community, Talio uncovers a conspiracy so big it threatens the origins of the four cities themselves. Their prosperity is only thanks to their connection by magical floating waterways and … Read more

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Review: On the Rocks – Fiona Moore

On the Rocks - Fiona Glass

Genre: Contemporary, Rock ‘n Roll LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Ulysses, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book ‘Pretending to be a straight man was bad enough. Pretending to be a straight man pretending to be gay was doing my head in…’Rock star Jed Lemmon is having a bit of a mid-life crisis. He can’t write new songs, his record sales are down, and his overly-controlling manager Hinchcliffe is convinced his career is on the rocks. On top of that, he’s gay, but has never dared tell his manager. With only best friend Suzy for company, he’s lonely, depressed, and drinking and smoking too much. And then Hinchcliffe … Read more

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Author Spotlight: V. S. Holmes

V. S. Holmes

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: V. S. Holmes FF Action-Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Lesfic, Sci-Fi V. S. Holmes is an international bestselling author. They created the REFORGED series and the NEL BENTLY BOOKS. Smoke and Rain, the first book in their fantasy quartet, won New Apple Literary’s Excellence in Independent Publishing Award in 2015. In addition, they have published short fiction in several anthologies. When not writing, they work as a contract archaeologist throughout the northeastern U.S. They live in a Tiny House with their spouse, a fellow archaeologist, their not-so-tiny dog, and own too many books for such a small … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Nikki Prince

Nikki Prince

It’s the Daily DNA – Discover a New Author from the QueeRomance Ink site. Today: Nikki Prince MM FF MMF BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Fantasy, Folklore, Interracial, Paranormal Nikki Prince is a mother of two, who always had a dream to be a published author. Her passion lies in raising her children, gaming, reading and writing. Nikki’s a multi-published author with several publishing houses as well as self published. She loves to write Interracial romances in all genres but wants to let everyone know to not box her in because there is always room for growth. Nikki has a MA in Creative Writing concentration in Fiction and an MA in Literature. … Read more

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Review: Oyster – Fearne Hill

Oyster - Fearne Hill

Genre: Contemporary LGBTQ+ Category: Trans MTF Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book Low tides threw up all kinds of unexpected and random treasures. Wedding bands, hauls of driftwood, old bones worn smooth. Jaded oyster fisherman, Nico La Forge, had seen them all. Or so he believed. Until one night, a cold, bedraggled, and beautiful Éti Salvador washed up on the shore. Nico had never been in love. Wasn’t even looking for love. With the body of a revolutionary hero and a face like the devil, Nico was the sort of guy your mother warned you to stay away from. But then, Nico had never come across anyone … Read more

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Review: The Wrong Familiar – Megan Derr

The Wrong Familiar - Megan Derr

Genre: Urban Fantasy, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Ninos has been training all his life to be a sylvan mage. Trees, plants, herbs, flowers, fruits, berries, nuts—he knows them all, and he intends to use that knowledge for the good of his home, a village he has not seen in more than a decade. The final step to becoming a full-fledged mage is the conjuring and binding of a familiar, a faithful companion and guide who will supplement his power and remain at his side the rest of his life. Instead of a sylvan familiar, like a unicorn or … Read more

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New Release / Giveaway: Take Some Tahini – Karenna Colcroft

Take Some Tahini - Karenna Colcroft

Karenna Colcroft has a new MM paranormal romance out, Real Werewolves Don’t Eat Meat book six: Tahe Some Tahini. And there’s a giveaway. Tobias Rogan never wanted to be a leader. But here he is, the Anax of the United States, ruler of all werewolves in the country. Only two weeks after winning the rank in a challenge fight against his senile predecessor, Tobias and his mate Kyle are still adjusting to their new reality when a frantic call alerts Tobias to the massacre of nearly half the wolves in a pack in North Dakota–including the pack’s Alpha and Beta. An investigation reveals that the wolves responsible for the attack … Read more

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Review: Rook’s Time – Kim Fielding

Rook's Time - Kim Fielding

Genre: Urban Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Simeon Bell just hasn’t been himself. Although he has spent a happy year as a roustabout with the Carnival of Mysteries—accompanied by his beloved, Crow Rapp—lately something has felt off. Maybe he hasn’t been himself because he doesn’t fully know who he is. Abandoned in a foundling home as an infant, he has never known anything about his family and has never met another of his kind. A tiny box found on the carnival midway leads Simeon and Crow on a quest to Simeon’s childhood home in the Victorian slums of London, … Read more

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New Release: Song of Howls – M.D. Grimm

Song of Howls - M.D. Grimm

M.D. Grimm has a new FF fantasy romance out, Sisters of Song book 2: Song of Howls. And there’s a giveaway! As Alaiya reclaims her life, she never intended to capture the heart of a she-wolf. Alaiya was trained by her parents to be the perfect wife. Due to her beauty, they knew they could entice a wealthy man to wed her and raise their status. She was a trophy, a prize, brought out to entertain like an obedient dog. Their efforts were rewarded when Lord Salazem claimed her to become his next wife, intent on adding her to his harem. But when two mighty dragons and her sister save … Read more