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Review: Axe to Grind – Gabbi Grey

Axe to Grind - Gabbi Grey

Genre: Contemporary, Rock “n” Roll

LGBTQ+ Category: Gay

Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild

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About The Book


For ten challenging years, I’ve been the lead guitarist for the band I formed with my best friend Axel. Grindstone is on the verge of making it big. Which is why I’m livid when our manager brings in some snooping, scandal-chasing documentary producer to film our trip to Rocktoberfest. We’re about to hit the biggest stage of our career, and I’m worried this rich jerk, who has destroyed other celebrities, might uncover the secret I’ve kept hidden for years. I want to just ignore him, but as attraction sizzles, I start letting down my guard. Giving in to these urges might mean distracting him from his mission and getting him on my side. That’s the point. Right?


I want to bring Ed and Axel down for what they did to my sister. I’ve managed to insinuate myself into their inner circle as a documentarian, and I’m this close to pay dirt. Using seduction to uncover the last of Ed’s secrets might be tacky, but what red-blooded man would turn down what the bisexual rock god is offering? But as we find stolen moments to try to slake the need, I’m having second thoughts. If I don’t avenge the wrong done to my family, I won’t be able to live with myself. The promise of sex shouldn’t be enough to stop me. But as I sink deeper into a relationship with Ed, I must decide if my need for revenge is worth destroying any hope of a future together.

Axe to Grind is a book in the multi-author Road to Rocktoberfest 2023 series. Each book can be read as a standalone, but why not read them all and see who hits the stage next? Hot rock stars and the men who love them, what more could you ask for? Kick back, load up your Kindle, and enjoy the men of Rocktoberfest!

The Review

Ed Markham and Axel Townsend have been hard at work for ten years, performing every gig they could find, but their band – Grindstone – is on the verge of finally reaching the top. Now, with an invitation to Rocktoberfest, things are finally where they hoped they would be. Performing before thousands of fans, they have a chance to land a record contract.

Their manager, Pauletta, was the one who set them on the straight and narrow, got them off drugs and was responsible for getting the band where it is now. Ed has always acquiesced to Pauletta’s ideas, only her newest one has him scratching his head and refusing. She wants Thorton Graves to do a documentary on the band, a rags-to-riches story she hopes will garner interest with fans and record labels. They will be followed by the documentary crew before, during and after concert, with a wrap up once it’s all done.

Ed knows he can’t say no to her, but he worries about the secrets that he and Axel have been living with for eight years finally coming out.

Ed is right to be worried, because Thornton’s purpose with the documentary is to take both of them down, to expose their responsibility for his sister Kyesha’s death. The only thing standing in his way is his sudden attraction to Ed, which makes him question if he is doing the right thing. He is torn between caring for Ed and the rest of the band, and his guilt over not doing right by his sister.

Ed and Axel are consumed by guilt over Kyesha’s death but never talk about it. The truth eventually comes out, but I won’t reveal it.

Thornton hopes that Ed and Axel will reveal information about his sister, but they are very careful – well Ed is, at least, and he keeps Axel close for fear that he will slip. Ed is convinced that Thornton has something up his sleeve, but he suffers the same problem Thornton does – he has feelings for a man he doesn’t trust and wants to be with.

Rocktoberfest is a huge success. Thornton still hasn’t gotten the information he wants, but he has a folder with everything he’s gathered that will bring Ed and Axel down, and time is running out. He believes he knows what really happened, but he’s wrong. Will Thornton goes ahead with his plan, putting his feelings for Ed aside? You’ll have to find out for yourself.

Ed is bisexual, Thornton is gay and neither of them has come out of the closet. Both are black men who had had difficult childhoods, and hope that the documentary will encourage other kids like them to reach for the stars.

Axe to Grind is full of secrets, lies, surprises, sex and rock and roll. I love the “Road to Rocktoberfest 2023” multi-author series. Each book is a standalone with amazing characters, and all heading to the biggest music event of the year. I would not miss one book (and I didn’t) – and neither should you.

5 Stars.

The Reviewer

I am an avid reader the mother of 3 sons and grandmother to seven grandchildren. Since retiring I have been doing more reading while volunteering as a CASA worker. CASA is an organization that works with the family court system to ensure that children are in the best living situation. There are way too many children that get overlooked in the foster care system and I visit homes and make visits to the parents. I was born and raised in New York and my husband of 50 years and I live in Upstate New York.

The Paranormal Romance Guild was established in 2009 by 8 Indie Authors and one Reviewer to be a constant help for authors. You can be a free author member, submitting your work for review OR become a Premium Author Member for a small yearly fee and enjoy many extra services including Free Beta Reads, Author Giveaways and many others. Your reviews are posted on our 3 FB Sites, Amazon, Goodreads, Twitter and Instagram. WE REVIEW ALL GENRES LGBTQ+ welcome.

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