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Review: Mistletango – Alexandra Caluen

Mistletango - Alexandra Caluen

Genre: Contemporary, Holiday

LGBTQ+ Category: Gay

Reviewer: Jay

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About The Book

A between-jobs vacation was all Angelo expected from Buenos Aires; when it turned into a holiday fling, he wasn’t about to say No.

Ramon’s impulsive trip to Argentina started off as a disaster. The cute dance teacher offering a room share? An early Christmas present. The night dancing tango? A revelation.

The next week turned into a series of great dates, the kind that would take months to set up in real life. By day two, they were both wishing they’d met long ago, in California, where they both grew up. Ramon’s heading back there; Angie’s bound for North Carolina. How could they possibly make it work? Could they try?

Angie leaves Argentina with a head full of plans and wishes, but no regrets. Ramon goes home with a plan of his own, determined to turn some wishes into reality.

A New Year’s Eve party was always going to be a challenging introduction to his new job. Left on their own by two key staffers, Angie and his junior instructors manage to pull it off. The next morning, he’s expecting a hard day of damage control. Instead he finds Ramon on his doorstep.

One way or another, they’ll dance into the future together.

The Review

A very sweet and beautifully written whirlwind romance.

Angelo is a dancer/dance teacher between jobs and has gifted himself with a holiday in Buenos Aries. He ends up accidentally sharing a room with Ramon, a recently jilted accountant. Both come from LA, but Angelo is moving to North Carolina.

There is no real drama apart from the angst the characters feel at the suddenness of their feelings and the need to be together. There is a great deal of interesting information about dance and quite a lot of explicit sex. And there are two lovely rescue cats.

Mistletango a contemporary story based around Christmas and New Year’s Eve. This is a feel-good mm holiday romance with assured writing, pleasant and interesting characters, and a HEA ending. 

The Reviewer

I’ve been doing book reviews on my website, crossposted or linked to various social media, for a few years. I read a number of genres but I really enjoy all kinds of speculative fiction so thought I’d like to share my views with you. I love sci fi and other speculative fiction because of the way it can, at its best, make us see ourselves in a new light. Quite apart from the exciting stories, of course! I used to be an English teacher, and I’m a writer (fantasy) so I can be quite critical about style etc. but I hope I can also appreciate properly some books that don’t appeal to me personally but might be simply perfect for others. I have, obviously, read widely, and continue to do so.