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REVIEW: Eating Stars – Angel Martinez

Eating Stars - Angel Martinez

Genre: Sci Fi, Romance

LGBTQ+ Category: MM Gay

Reviewer: Marie, Paranormal Romance Guild

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About The Book

Flee. Scatter. Take your mates and your offspring and run

The escape pods fall to Earth one by one over the course of weeks, a mysterious and diverse alien diaspora, each pod containing a different alien race and leaving the world’s governments scrambling to deal with this unexpected immigration. Serge Kosygin, still grieving and isolated after his husband’s death, watches events with gray disinterest until one day he witnesses a pod crash for himself while driving home. Two of the alien visitors have died, but one survives, badly injured, and Serge is determined that if this alien is also going to die, it won’t be under the harsh lights of a government facility.

Devastated by the loss of his life mates in their desperate effort to reach safety, the knowledge that Een is the last Aalana in this sector of the galaxy only compounds his sorrow. He wakes in an alien dwelling under the care of one of the native dominant builder species, a being who appears to share nothing with Een besides a bipedal structure. Slowly, with the help of his patient and kind host, he discovers they are more similar than he imagined as they share harmonies and his host assists him with language acquisition.

Their tentative first contact soon evolves into a deepening friendship, a balm for two grief-weary souls. They’ll need each other and their growing bond for the troubles lurking just ahead.

The Review

Sometimes stumbling upon the perfect story—the right amount of drama, action, angst, and emotional satisfaction—is difficult. With Eating Stars, look no further. Ms. Martinez gives you everything you could possibly want, wrapped up in a tidy, 121 page read.

Her characters, Serge and Een, are well thought out and exquisitely written, lending you in-depth knowledge of their lives without overwhelming you in fussy detail. The way the author weaves the reader into the pair’s thoughts and feelings is seamlessly accomplished, yet, the palpable fear both feel from outside sources gives an urgency to a story that never gets bogged down with too much internal musing. Indeed, the narrative is quick and snappy, lending hope from the first that the two will find common ground to forge a much-needed relationship.

Details of space pods, Serge’s home, and the play of light to which Een is drawn, are lovingly described, and the picture Ms. Martinez paints of Een is nothing short of magical. Sometimes when an author depends too much on very few characters, narrative and imagery become tedious, but Ms. Martinez breathes such life into Serge and Een, that even when she introduces her subsequent protagonists, your focus never strays (nor wants to) from her dominant pair.

I understand this was once a shorter story, and I’m so glad the author decided to expand upon it. Nothing is missing as she delivers a complete, delightful and thought-provoking story which is sure to touch your heart.

Five stars.

The Reviewer

Marie Loring loves to read! An avid paranormal and sci-fi fan, when she’s not busy at work, she devours several books a week. Her passion is helping other readers wade through the mire of mediocre tomes to find those amazing, hidden gems! 

The Paranormal Romance Guild was established in 2009 by 8 Indie Authors and one Reviewer to be a constant help for authors. You can be a free author member, submitting your work for review OR become a Premium Author Member for a small yearly fee and enjoy many extra services including Free Beta Reads, Author Giveaways and many others. Your reviews are posted on our 3 FB Sites, Amazon, Goodreads, Twitter and Instagram. WE REVIEW ALL GENRES LGBTQ+ welcome.

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