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REVIEW: Absolution, by Lissa Kasey

Absolution - Lissa Kasey - Dominion

Title: Absolution Series: Dominion Series Author: Lissa Kasey Genre: Paranormal/Vampire LGBTQ+ Category: MMM Gay Publisher: Self Pages: 334 Reviewer: Sherry, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book Sam discovers becoming undead has awakened a new power inside of him. When the power of the world of vampires and witches collide, Sam wields a firestorm of energy to save the men he loves. As a new vampire Sam suddenly finds himself the focus of a lot of unexpected attention. Living among witches, Sam has always been the underdog fighting the wrong war, alone, abandoned, and unwanted. Only when Luca arrives to be a sort of—hot guy on call—to… Continue Reading REVIEW: Absolution, by Lissa Kasey