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Revealing Rod

by Kris Jacen

Revealing Rod - Kris Jacen
Part of the Ness Series series:

From when he was a boy, Joe Talbot knew that there were other creatures out there. He even geared his college degree so he could prove to his parents — and maybe the world — some myths were true.

Rod please-don’t-use-my-full-name Macintosh had to fight his family for them to believe that he didn’t want to leave the lake permanently. Yes, it’s a parent’s job to make their children self-sufficient but why couldn’t he do that where he grew up? Besides, his Ness kept telling Rod to be patient, that their mate would come back to them.

Can love be more important to Joe than revealing myths? Rod hopes so because his Ness won’t have another, and he didn’t think he could live without his Ness.

About the Author

Kris Jacen grew up just north of Boston, Massachusetts, met her soldier in high school but didn’t marry him until almost ten years later. She moved around with him and their daughters (born in two different states thanks to the Army) for the first 19 years of their marriage (they celebrated their silver anniversary in 2018) before settling in western New York.

She has been the Editor in Chief and Formatting Director for ManLoveRomance Press and its imprints since January of 2008 and has never looked back. Working with the amazing authors at MLR has allowed her to both hone her editorial skills and indulge her inner fangirl. She also acts as editor, mentor and sounding-board for newcomers which lets her “pay-it-forward” and help authors realize their dreams.

You can find out more about Kris on her website