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Mending the Dragon’s Heart

by Minerva Howe

Mending the Dragon's Heart - Minerva Howe - Heartstone Rescue
Part of the Heartstone Rescue series:
  • Mending the Dragon's Heart
Editions:Kindle: $ 5.99
ISBN: B0C279Q559

When Lake loses his betrothed, he also loses his dragon heartstone, the thing that gives a dragon their magic. He's locked away, waiting to pass. But his brother is a Seer, and he refuses to let Lake die, so he arranges a rescue.

Boone is one of an elite dragon rescue team, sent to pull Lake into the modern human world so he can be taken to a sanctuary in the Colorado mountains. What he doesn't count on is falling hard for Lake, who's just sweet and wonderful and loving.

Now the race is on to find Lake another heartstone, and to stop other dragons from being destroyed, before it's too late, even as Lake and Boone start a family...

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About the Author

Minerva is a middle-aged broad who loves MM romance, dogs, crafts, and chocolate.