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For the Love of a King

by Ryder Bailey

For the Love of a King - Ryder Bailey
Editions:Kindle: $ 0.99
Pages: 66
Paperback: $ 5.99
ISBN: 978-1523996360
Size: 5.00 x 8.00 in
Pages: 96

He will live his life for the love of a king...

Ardan is overjoyed when he is selected to become the new court sorcerer for the King of Phelin. He expects to be giving advice to the king and court about anything and everything magical, but he doesn't expect to become the close friend and lover to the heir to the throne, Caol. When it happens, he chooses to find peace with it and enjoy it - until an invading army takes control of the country and tears their relationship apart.

Ardan is left to fulfill his lover's last request; to take the newborn baby prince away from the conquered capital and raise him to restore Phelin. But raising Prince Caolan and helping him to regain the country will not be simple, not when Caolan has his own ideas about the way things should be.

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About the Author

Ryder Bailey has been worldbuilding and writing since the age of 14. Over the years that world has grown in size and diversity and will continue to do so. When not writing, Ryder is usually reading anything available, researching culture from around the world, or working a full-time retail job.