
After two years of a loving relationship with Barney Marshall in Regency London, Ross Webster has gradually transformed into Rose on a permanent basis.
Rose has planned her transformation carefully, with the help of her redoubtable landlady Grace, and is now able to live an independent life free from male trappings.
But there are still challenges to face before Rose and Barney can reach their happy ever after. Their dream is to live as man and wife, but Rose dreads reconciling Barney’s wealthy parents to the idea of their betrothal.
Can the young lovers overcome this final barrier to their lifelong happiness?
Publisher: JMS Books, LLC
Pairings: M-NB
Heat Level: 3
Romantic Content: 5
Ending: Click here to reveal
Character Identities: Pansexual, Transgender
Protagonist 1 Age: 18-25
Protagonist 2 Age: 18-25
Word Count: 8313
Setting: London, England
Languages Available: English
Series Type: Continuous / Same Characters
Barney paced restlessly up and down, as if determined to wear a hole in the carpet that lined the entrance hall to Mivart’s Hotel.
This is worse than any business meeting.
The prospect of the meal ahead filled him with dread. Admittedly, he wasn’t the most patient of men, except when influenced by his dear Rose, whose calm sweetness always had a beneficial effect. Waiting for her arrival was painfully frustrating.
He almost regretted taking Julian up on his kind offer to collect Rose, although it seemed a blessing at the time.
I should have gone myself. Anything’s better than hanging around here.
He caught sight of himself in the hall mirror and smoothed out his ferocious scowl.
That would be a fine welcome for Rose.
READ MOREHe appeared respectable enough for the hotel dining room, understated but unmistakably a gentleman. He had long eschewed the kicks of fashion he had adopted in an attempt to keep up with his social superiors when adjusting to life in London.
It’s certainly a good deal more comfortable, he thought, regarding his modest cravat.
Nowadays, without exaggeratedly high shirt points, Barney was able to turn his head without any restriction. His gaze fell on his white piquet waistcoat, and he automatically pulled in his stomach. He couldn’t help his naturally stocky build, which was skilfully disguised by his tailor.
I’m lucky that Rose loves me as I am, paunch and all.
Barney smiled in the mirror like the lovesick fool he indubitably was. He had no fear that Julian, liberally endowed with good looks and charm, was closeted in a coach with Rose. They were both unflinchingly loyal in character. And anyway, Julian, Barney’s childhood friend, was the first of their intimates to learn Rose’s secret. Since then, he had done everything in his power to further the romance.
Barney thanked heaven that tonight coincided with one of Julian’s rare visits to London, when he inevitably stayed with Barney. Julian had rallied to the cause, even digging out his seldom-worn evening togs.
When he accompanied Barney to the hotel, Julian had resembled his former self. Every inch of his athletic six-foot frame embodied the pink of the ton he used to be, rather than the provincial school teacher he had more recently become.
Barney had been by Julian’s side in the first painful months when he had deliberately eschewed his rank and privilege to pursue an uncertain course. His attire must be a reminder of that period of struggle and uncertainty.
So Barney wasn’t remotely envious of Julian’s trim physique, displayed perfectly in his evening wear. In fact, he was encouraged that Julian had made such an effort on his and Rose’s behalf.
I suppose we’ve all changed with time, Barney mused.
After Julian’s departure to pastures new with his constant companion Rafe, their other friend Jasper had retired to the country. Subsequently, Barney's pursuit of London high life had palled considerably without his closest cronies.
With Rose firmly embedded in his life and his heart, Barney had no inclination to seek amorous entertainment elsewhere. So when his father, the proprietor of a Leicestershire hosiery manufacturer, suggested liaising with a London wholesaler, Barney jumped at the chance to try his hand at something new.
He was sufficiently established in society that his business interests didn’t tarnish his reputation. Also, perhaps as his long-headed father had intended, Barney had become aware of the hypocrisy of those who might disdain his birth but gladly helped him spend his fortune. He found he was no longer swayed by their opinions.
Barney had the support of his closest allies who, in their different ways, had become men with occupations and responsibilities.
I’m surrounded by teachers and farmers, Barney thought with a snort of amusement.
A gust of cool air from the hotel door announced the new arrivals.
At last, Barney thought as if Julian had been gone an hour rather than a matter of ten minutes. He smiled absently at his friend but Rose commanded his full attention.
She was always beautiful in Barney’s eyes. Tonight, she was simply magnificent.
Her dress was a slender column of pale turquoise, with subtle embellishments at the hem and sleeves, exhibiting her figure superbly, crafting a false impression of subtle curves beneath.
The glowing silk complemented the red tints in her hair, gathered on top of her head with a few loose curls allowed to frame her oval face. Barney caught the gleam of the aquamarine earrings he purchased for her last birthday.
Rose looked elegant, ladylike and quietly assured.
Julian stepped aside with an indulgent smile as Barney took both her satin gloved hands in his, bringing them to his lips.
“You look wonderful. Dinner is about to be served. Let’s go through to the dining room and join my parents.”