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At the Masquerade

by Nicole Dennis

At the Masquerade - Nicole Dennis
Editions:Kindle - Second Edition: $ 2.99
Pages: 115

What discoveries wait behind a silver mask?

Rejected by his family, Dalton Radclyffe left California for a new start in New Orleans. Rescued from the streets, he devotes his life to the Rainbow Rescue Center and the kids. An invitation to the Krewe of Eros Mardi Gras ball – a masquerade – changes everything. As part of the invited charity, hidden behind a silver mask, Dalton discovers there can be ways to revive a struggling charity and life thanks to an enigmatic man named Finn.

Could something happen between them beyond one magical night? Was it all a dream? Is there a possibility of something more?

About the Author

Dreamy…Sensual…Forever Love

A quiet one, Nicole Dennis curled up with the latest book of a favorite author. Since the beginning, characters were in her head, worlds building themselves, and stories written. She began writing during class and continues to this day. Now she can let others into her imagination and worlds that always celebrate the love between two or more people within LGBT, paranormal, and fantasy.

During the day, she works in a quiet office in Central Florida, where she also makes her home, and enjoys the down time to slip into her imagination. She is owned by a semi-demonic tortie calico, affectionately known as Fat Cat.